St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

About the Emblem:

Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton was a wife, mother, widow, convert to Catholicism, foundress of the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph, and is now a canonized saint. After being left widowed with 5 young children at the age of 29, she was befriended by the Filicchi family where she became aquainted with Catholicism. After she converted to the faith, she established a school for girls in Baltimore and then founded the Sisters of Charity who joined in the ministry of education for girls and women. It is because of her work for education and girls that her name is invoked in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton award. The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton recognition was inagurated in 1980 to recognize the meritorious contributions of the of adults who serve Catholic youth through AHG or Girl Scouts.


    • Any adult who is working in the Girl Scout or AHG Program with Catholic youth

    • For adults who have made significant contributions in the field of Catholic-Scouting relationships,

    • Lay men and women, Deacons, priests, religious, or non-Catholic,


To recognize the recipient’s outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of the Catholic youth in the program of the Girl Scouts or AHG. An individual, Unit, or Parish may submit the name of a possible candidate for the reception of this emblem. A candidate may be submitted by a group of individuals who are active in youth affairs, a registered leader in the parish, or by the pastor. Approval of the pastor must be acquired before application will be considered.

NOTE: Generally, this award is recommended to be given before the St. Ann recognition

Nomination Application

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Nominations are due by March 1!

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Nomination.pdf